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  • Company Type For Profit

Clearview is a research tool used by law enforcement agencies to identify perpetrators and victims of crimes. The company's technology has helped law enforcement track down hundreds of at-large criminals, including pedophiles, terrorists, and sex traffickers. It is also used to help exonerate the innocent and identify the victims of crimes

including child sex abuse and financial fraud.

Lists Featuring This Company

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Clearview's headquarters? Clearview is located in New York, New York, United States.Who invested in Clearview? Clearview has 5 investors including Inertia Ventures and Peter Thiel.How much funding has Clearview raised to date? Clearview has raised .When was the last funding round for Clearview? Clearview closed its last funding round on Mar 1, 2022 from a Series C round.Who are Clearview's competitors? Alternatives and possible competitors to Clearview may include AiroboticsGongye Technology, and Artificial.